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Textbook Reserves


CAP 4401 Digital Image Processing Lecture

CAP 5768 Introduction to Data Science


CAP 6635 Artificial Intelligence



CCJ 2002 Law, Crime & The Criminal Justice System


CCJ 3014 Criminology

CCJ 3071


CCJ 3666 Victimology


CCJ 4054 Ethics and the Justice System


CCJ 4293 Drug Courts


CCJ 4450 Criminal Justice Management


CCJ 4623 Studying Violence

CCJ 4632 Elders in the Criminal Justice System 




CCJ 4642 Organized Crime & Drug Business


CCJ 4670 Women and Criminal Justice

CCJ 4694 Human Trafficking: A Global Social Justice Issue

CCJ 4697


CCJ 4700  Methods of Research


CCJ 6056 Understanding Criminal Behavior


CCJ 6335 Prisoner Re-entry Policy and Practice


CCJ 6669 Class, Race and Gender in Criminal Justice


CDA 3203 Computer Logic Design Lecture



CEG 3011C Soil Mechanics



CEN 4010 Principles of Software Engineering


CES 6325 Bridge Design Lecture


CGN 4803C RI Civil, Environmental & Geomatics Engineering Design 1



CHM 1020 Contemporary Chemical Issues


CHM 2010 Organic Chemistry 1


CHM 2045 General Chemistry 1


CHM 2046 General Chemistry II


CHM 2211 Organic Chemistry 2



CHS 6611 Chemistry for Environmental Scientists


CIS 6370 Computer Data Security Lecture