The Libraries have more access to online journal or magazine articles than to print versions. However, some assignments may ask that you NOT use "online" or "Internet" sources. Here are suggestions for handling this:
- First: Check the assignment requirements. Does the professor mean that you are not allowed to use any sources from the open web, but you ARE allowed to use online articles from scholarly journals available through the library's online Indexes and Databases? If you're unsure, talk with your instructor.
- Next: If you've confirmed that you cannot use online library resources, search for print versions of relevant journals through the FAU Libraries Catalog.
- Finally: When you locate a journal in FAU Libraries Catalog, look in the full catalog record at the location and call number. If the journal is located at the Boca Raton campus library, locate the floor where the call number is found. Print journals may not be checked out of the library, but articles may be scanned or photocopied.
If you're having trouble locating your item, go to the Service Desk or use Ask a Librarian.

- Scanners are available for public and student use in the 1st Floor East Reference computing area, and in the computer lab, located on 2nd Floor West. Documents may be emailed, saved to a USB/Flash memory device, or sent to the "Cloud."
- Copiers (both black/white and color) are available throughout the library. Use your Owl Card, FAU Net ID, or guest account to print, and use cash, debit, or credit card to add funds to your Print Account. See the FAU Printing Services website for more printing information.