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We are working to upgrade the research experience by making ongoing improvements to our Research Guides.
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Scholarly Communication Services Toolkit

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Knowledge of:

  • The development and purpose of OER
  • Seminal statements on OER
  • Key organizations in the OER Access movement
  • Sources (meta-finders and collections) of OER
  • Evaluating OER

Ability To:

  • Explain OER and its uses
  • Describe the benefits of OER
  • Refer others to sources of information on OER
  • Locate and evaluate OER

Related Concepts:

  • Creative Commons
  • Open Access
  • Copyright, Fair Use

Typical Liaison Tasks

Topic Sample Question/ Task

Open Education Resources (OER)

   Interpretation What is OER and what are some examples?
   Identification Where can I find an OER for my particular subject (or assignment)?
   Referral to Documentation What how does SPARC and the US Department of Education define OER?
   Recommendations A faculty member found some texts online, and they are not sure if they were pirated works that were scanned and posted without permission, or if they have licenses that allow their use.
Instruction An undergraduate teacher education course wants to know how they can find OER for elementary-level classrooms.
Presentation A librarian has been asked to explain OER in the University Faculty Senate and how they may be beneficial to students.