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Scholarly Communication Services Toolkit

Open Access

Knowledge of:

  • The development and purpose of Open Access
  • Seminal statements on Open Access
  • Key organizations in the Open Access movement
  • Identifying Open Access publishers and publications
  • Article Processing Charges (APCs) for OA publishers
  • Types of Open Access models: green, gold, hybrid, "mirror journals."
  • Predatory journals and how to evaluate them
  • FAU Libraries Digital Repository: its collections, purpose, and processes for depositing works
  • (Later) Commercial and open access publishing platforms
  • (Later) Open Access repositories

Ability To:

  • Advise campus community in knowledge areas.

Related Concepts:

  • Funder Public Access Mandates
  • Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • Copyright and licensing pertaining to scholarly content, including creative commons and other OA licenses.
  • Selecting a journal or publisher for publishing
Topic Sample Question/ Task

Open Access (OA)

   Interpretation What is the difference between Gold and Green OA?
   Identification Where can I find information about Author Processing Charges (APC)?
   Referral to Documentation What was discussed in the Berlin Declaration for Open Access, and what institutions signed it?
   Recommendations Provide a nursing professor with 3 to 5 OA journals in his or her field, and provide a link to DOAJ so they can identify others.
Instruction Inform a senior-level, Honors College language and literature course on Open Access and where they can find where they can publish.
Presentation Some senior scholars in the College of Arts and Letters want an overview of Open Access, and how that might impact the publishing norms in their field.