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Scholarly Communication Services Toolkit

Journal/ Research Impact

Knowledge of:

  • Assessment criteria for journals and other resources
  • Bibliometrics and altmetrics
  • Policies for faculty promotion and tenure
  • Institutional assessment of scholarly output
  • (Later) Funding Agency Impact Statement Requirements
  • (Later) Difference in impact among disciplines

Ability To:

  • Provide tips to faculty in assessing journals and other scholarly resources
  • Provide advice to library acquisition departments on quality indicators

Related Concepts:

  • Open Access
  • Predatory publishers
  • Scholarly Publishing, Publishing Cycle
Topic Sample Question/ Task

Journal / Research Impact

   Interpretation What is the difference between a journal impact factor and an altmetric?
   Identification Is a particular journal included in Elsevier or Web of Science's indexes?
   Referral to Documentation I need a list of seminal journals in my field.
   Obtain Impact Factors The library does not provide or offer this service; we do provide faculty with where they can determine this information.
Instruction To a graduate-level geosciences course, demonstrate how they can determine how many times an article has been cited (citation tracking). 
Presentation The Department of Political Science requested a virtual presentation of how their  faculty and find impact factors for journals and also author-level metrics.