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Scholarly Communication Services Toolkit

Researcher Profile Management

Knowledge of:

  • Platforms for researcher and scholar profiles
  • Identify good practices for profile management and online presence
  • The benefits of creating and maintaining online profile management
  • The types of academic profiles used in grant and funding applications

Ability to: 

  • Recommend platforms for researcher and scholar profiles based on need
  • Advise on good practices for profile management and online benefits

Topic Sample Question/ Task

Researcher Profile Management

   Interpretation I'm applying for an NIH grant, and they now say I have to create a SciENcv profile.  Where do I begin?
   Identification I'm a playright, so what would be a good researcher/ creator platform to create a profile?  I have a LinkedIn page, but what else could I use?
   Referral to Documentation What are some best practices in creating a professional web page with my work?
   Create a Profile The library does not provide or offer this service, but we can recommend sites and best practices.
Instruction A senior-level education class is creating an electronic portfolio of their work, and want to learn how to create a positive online presence. 
Presentation The faculty and graduate students at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute want information on ORCID and the benefits of creating such profiles.