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Scholarly Communication Services Toolkit

Funder Public Access Mandates

Knowledge of:

  • Funder public access policies and mandates
  • Locating funder public access polices and mandates

Ability to:

  • Assist campus community with locating funder public access policies and mandates.
  • Locate funder public access polices and mandates by agency or organization.

Related Concepts:

  • Data management plans and data sharing
Topic Sample Question/ Task

Funder Public Access Mandates

   Interpretation I received a grant of $____ from Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).  What are their public access policies?
   Identification My Department of Energy-funded research has been completed.  What is a good repository for my data?
   Referral to Documentation What is the most current executive order regarding public funder access mandates?
Instruction A graduate-level chemistry class needs an overview of public access funder mandates that includes the background and purpose of their development.
Presentation The library is collaborating with the Division of Research (DoR) to explain public access funder mandates; the library provides information for where they can be found, while DoR describes the impact of noncompliance.