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We are working to upgrade the research experience by making ongoing improvements to our Research Guides.
You may encounter changes in the look and feel of the Research Guides website along with structural changes to our existing guides. If you have any questions or concerns about this process please let us know.

Scholarly Communication Services

About Scholarly Communication Services

Copyright   Open Access         

FAU Libraries Scholarly Communication Services (SCS) provides support to all FAU campuses by addressing the wide range of issues related to creating, evaluating, disseminating, and preserving the outputs of research and scholarship. 


Services for Staff, Students, Faculty, and Campus Groups 

  • Consultations, presentations, and events for staff, students, faculty, and campus groups.  
  • Services can be provided synchronously (face-to-face or online via Zoom, WebEx, or Microsoft Teams) or asynchonously (video recording). 
  • Make your request.

Make Your Request

Do you like these Research Guides or want something tailored for your course?  Get in touch!  SCS materials and learning objects can be used for teaching, learning, or training, and can be freely used for educational purposes. 

Scholarly Communication Services Blog

Read up on the basics and latest in copyright, bibliometrics, scholarly publishing and more!

Last updated on Jul 25, 2024 8:36 AM