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Modern/Contemporary Art

Search Tips for Dada Research

OneSearch performs one search across most of FAU Libraries' resources, including books, ebooks, articles, journals, streaming videos, etc. 
You MUST be logged into Off Campus Connect when off campus in order to access our e-resources.

  • dada art (search words
    • Example - you can use other search words or
    • combine search words, like dada art OR dadaism
  • Use limiters / filters on left side of results (I recommend these filters for these searches)
  • Do separate search for journal articles from other materials, like books or streaming videos
  • Journal Articles:
    • Peer Reviewed
    • Academic Journals (Soure Types)
    • Subject: Show More (click on "Show More" below the short list of subjects)
      • List is automatically organized by "hit count" or most popular subject heading
      • Click on "Name" at the top of the list to re-sort alphabetically..
      • Choose subjects of interest and click on "Update" to update and limit the results.
    • Access full text article by clicking on links below the article, like: 
      • Linked Full Text, HTML Full Text, PDF Full Text, Fid It @ FAU button. 
        • HTML often will allow users to listen to the text being read.
        • PDF Is like a photocopy of the article and will include the page numbers that you will need for citations.
        • Find It @ FAU will try to find the full text for you within FAU's resources. 
    • If an article is not available from FAU Libraries in full text, request the article through Interlibrary Loan.
  • Books / eBooks
    • Subject: Show More (click on "Show More" below the short list of subjects)
      • List is automatically organized by "hit count" or most popular subject heading
      • Click on "Name" at the top of the list to re-sort alphabetically..
      • Choose subjects of interest and click on "Update" to update and limit the results.

Library Catalog tab

  • dada art (search words
    • Example - you can use other search words or
    • combine search words, like    dada art OR dadaism
  • Limit results to online content only (see top of page where online results are shown)
    • Streaming Videos and ebooks will typically show in the results. 
    • Click on the link below the title to gain accss to these e-resources.
    • You MUST be logged into Off Campus Connect when off campus in order to access our e-resources.

Journals tab

You MUST be logged into Off Campus Connect when off campus in order to access our e-resources.

    IMPORTANT: Results will show:
    • Streaming videos
    • Journal titles (NOT journal article titles)
    • Ebooks and/or eBook chapters
  • dada art (search words
    • Example - you can use other search words or
    • combine search words, like dada art OR dadaism

Databases tab

You MUST be logged into Off Campus Connect when off campus in order to access our e-resources.

  • Choose a Database to search (see Database list in this guide). 
  • dada art (search words
    • Example - you can use other search words or
    • combine search words, like dada art OR dadaism

There are many ways to search the Internet. 

  • When doing a search, you often can limit results to specific types of media, such as books, videos, images, etc. 
  • After you have received your search results, look just below the search box and choose Images, Videos, or More (includes Books).
  • Want more control? Do an Advanced Search. Click on "Settings" beneath the search box and choose "Advanced search."

  • Search for educational institutions 
    (sites may be universities, musuems, etc.)
    • Search for your search words on sites ending in .edu 
      • example:  art dada
      • example:  art dada OR dadaism
      • See Web Sites tab in Dada Examples and Resources box on this page for sample sites

  • Search for organizations 
    (sites may be museums, arts organizations, etc.)
    • Search for your search words on sites ending in .org
      • example: art dada
      • example: art dada OR dadaism
      • See Web Sites tab in Dada Examples and Resources box on this page for sample sites

OER, or Open Educational Resources are free, openly available educational resources,and you can read more about them in our OER Guide.

  • They may be found in a variety of OER repositories and collections that you may have heard of, like OpenStax, OER Commons, MERLOT, and many others. Search multiple OER respositories using OASIS or use the more powerful and far-reaching Mason OER Metafinder (MOM), that also searches in OASIS. 
    • OER content can be in many document types and formats:
      • Books, images, pictures, graphics, activities, lesson plans, videos, MIT Courseware, and other open resources.
    • Not finding what you are searching for?
      • Try using fewer search words.
      • Try using different search words.
  • Locate OER materials and get information about them
    • See which collection they reside in.
    • Star ratings may help you determine which items are are interest. 
    • Date noted indicates the date that the item was added to the collection, and does NOT indicate when the item was first created. 
    • At the top left side of the results, you can view "Topics," or click on "Visual" tab to look at items via a color wheel of information.
      • If you view by Topics, you can further refine results on the left side of the page by
        • Date range
        • Clusters, including Topics, Authors, Document type, Source, and Document format
    • Click on the hyperlinked title of the resource to get to the resource itself.
      • If you click on the "green" hyperlinked repository that the item is part of, you will go directly to the respository and NOT to the search item you wish to find. Going to the repository will allow you to search only that collection.
    • Mason's MOM allows you to set up a free account, sign in, and keep searches, set up searches to be run periodically and sent to your email, share with others, print out, or print (save as) a PDF document.

Dada Examples and Resources

  • Also search for Dada Art in Journals tab to find short videos.
  • Other short videos may also be found using OneSearch.
  • Look for specific videos in Alexander Street Press databases..

 Google Books 

Search Google Books for digitized books written at the time of the Dada movement. Many of these are now in public domain. 

Google Book Search

 Museum eBooks 

Museums may have free ebooks you can read online or download as PDFs. Some of my favorite sites include:

 Videos Online 

YouTube has many videos; be careful to evaluate who created the content. Museums, art organizations, educational institutions, and similar organizations most likely will have reliable content. Here are some good ones:

 dada art examples 

 dada art OR surrealism examples examples 

 Google Books 

Search Google Books for digitized books written at the time of the Dada movement. Many of these are now in public domain. 

Google Book Search

Check out other free eBook sites, as well as your local library (if you belong to one, you may have access to their ebooks and videos)

OER materials originate from many sources. Here are some examples:

Last updated on Jul 26, 2024 4:18 PM