The Florida Atlantic University Libraries serve as a depository for documents from the State of Florida. These materials are published by Florida governmental agencies and assigned a call number based partially on a unique two or three letter code for its point of origin.The Florida Documents print collection can be found at the S.E. Wimberly Library in Boca Raton.
The following is a guide for locating some of the most frequently used Florida Documents.
- AGR Agriculture & Consumer Services Department
- AUD Auditor General Office
- AWI Agency for Workforce Innovation
- BPR Business and Professional Regulation Department
- CAF Community Affairs Department
- CFS Department of Children and Families
- DEP Environmental Protection Department
- DMS Management Services Department
- EDU Education Department
- ELD Department of Elder Affairs
- FAU Florida Atlantic University
- UF University of Florida
- FCD South Florida Water Management Dist.
- FWC Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
- GOV Governor's Office
- HCA Agency for Health Care Administration
- HLT Department of Health
- HSM Highway & Motor Vehicles Department
- LE Department of Law Enforcement
- LEG Legislature
- OR Department of Corrections
- REV Revenue Department
- SS State Department
- TR. Transportation Department
- VAF Veterans Affairs Department