Are you trying to decide whether to use our Indexes/Databases vs. Electronic Journals?
If you are researching a particular topic and you know the name of the database you want to use click on the following:
If you are looking for a specific journal title and want to see if we have access to it then click on the following:
Access is limited to six (6) simultaneous users.
Indexes journals covering the history of the world from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada, which are covered in a companion database America: History and Life).
Funded by Florida Virtual Campus.
Find theses and dissertations from FAU and other colleges and universities!
Through a statewide initiative in coordination with FALSC and other institutions of the Florida College System and State University System libraries, the FAU Libraries is transitioning e-resources authentication from EZproxy to OpenAthens.
OpenAthens is a gateway service that provides access to the FAU Libraries' licensed electronic resources. For the first time, you will have access to the Libraries’ e-resources without needing to be on the Libraries’ website! You can use an Internet search engine like Google or go directly to a publisher’s website to access the Libraries “Athenized” e-resources via FAU Single Sign-On (SSO)!
Florida Atlantic University Libraries
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 297-6911