A dark cloud had hung over Europe during the period known as the late Middle Ages, many suffered and died due to wars and plagues that ripped through Europe like a wildfire. Those who survived began to question the old institutions of the Middle Ages, ones that seemed unable to prevent war or relieve the misery that was brought on by the plague. As humankind began to see themselves in a different light and rethink their purpose in the world around them, a rebirth of humanity was beginning to take place. The period in European History between the years 1300 - 1600 has become known as the European Renaissance and Reformation Period.
The purpose of this guide is to provide you the researcher the ability to do research on the subject area of the Mind of Europe. You will be able to search the library catalog and access our databases and journals all from within this course guide. This guide also provides you with a list of Mind of Europe Primary Source Websites, along with important information regarding library services and departments that may prove useful to you while you are doing research.
Don't forget to take advantage of the Graduate Study Lounge when you are in the library and like a little bit more quiet space.
Lawrence Mello, M.A., M.L.S.
Librarian Liaison to the FAU History Department.