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Evidence Based Medicine

What is EBM?

Evidence Based Medicine is the “integration of the best research evidence with our clinical expertise and our patient’s unique values and circumstances.”



Use PICO to formulate your research question & search strategy

P – Patient, population or problem

  - How would I describe a group of patients similar to mine?

I – Intervention

  - Drug, diagnostic test etc. . .

C – Comparative Intervention (optional)

  - Gold standard or other comparison

O – Outcome (optional)

  - Desired result

EBM Steps

1. ASK: Construct a well-built, answerable clinical question based on an individual patient or public health need
2. ACQUIRE: The best evidence to answer the clinical question
3. APPRAISE: Appraise that evidence for its validity and applicability
4. APPLY: Integrate the appraised information with clinical expertise and patient’s unique circumstances
5. ASSESS: Evaluate your effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out steps 1-4

Types of Information Sources

Last updated on Jan 13, 2025 3:41 PM