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Primary Sources: World War II

Canada during World War II 

Canada's involvement in World War II was marked by significant military, economic, and social contributions to the Allied effort. Entering the war on September 10, 1939, Canada quickly transitioned to a full war economy, becoming a vital supplier of materials and resources. The country's industrial output surged, producing everything from aircraft and ships to munitions and vehicles, significantly bolstering the Allied war machine.

Militarily, Canada made substantial contributions on multiple fronts. The Canadian Army played key roles in several major campaigns, including the Italian Campaign and the Normandy Invasion (D-Day), where the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division was one of the first to land on Juno Beach. Canadian forces also participated in the liberation of the Netherlands, earning deep gratitude from the Dutch people.

The Royal Canadian Navy expanded exponentially, providing critical convoy escorts across the Atlantic, protecting vital supply routes from German U-boats. The Royal Canadian Air Force contributed to the bombing campaigns over Europe and supported ground operations through reconnaissance and tactical missions.

On the home front, Canada saw significant social changes, with women entering the workforce in large numbers, filling roles in factories, farms, and the military. The war effort fostered a sense of national unity and pride, while also laying the groundwork for post-war social policies and economic growth. Canada's contributions were pivotal to the Allied victory, earning it a respected place on the global stage.

Online Sources: Canada in WWII

Book Sources: Canada in WWII

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Video Sources: Canada during World War II 

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