Shelf surfing can be an excellent method for discovering books about political science that might not be immediately apparent in the catalog. Understanding the relevant Library of Congress Classification areas can significantly enhance your research. Here are key call numbers sorted by subject, guiding you to sections where books on political science are typically located:
Main Class J: Political Science
JA: Political Science (General)
JA71-JA80: Theory. Relations to other subjects
JA86-JA88: Study and teaching. Research
JC: Political Theory
JC11-JC605: Political theory. The state. Theories of the state
JC311-JC314: Nationalism. Nation-state
JF: Political Institutions and Public Administration
JF20-JF2112: Political institutions and public administration
JF1338-JF2112: Public administration
JK: Political Institutions and Public Administration (United States)
JK1-JK9993: Political institutions and public administration - United States
JK2255-JK2391: Political parties
JZ: International Relations
JZ1-JZ9999: International relations
Main Class H: Social Sciences
HM: Sociology
HM1-HM1281: Sociology (General)
HN: Social History and Conditions. Social Problems. Social Reform
HN1-HN995: Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
By utilizing these call numbers and understanding the subject classifications, you can effectively navigate the library shelves to discover a rich array of literature on political science. You'll find resources spanning from broad theoretical frameworks to detailed examinations of specific political systems and institutions, including:
This comprehensive range of materials allows for in-depth exploration of the subject, supporting academic study and research on various aspects of political science and its impact on society and global affairs.
Search the FAU Library Catalog to see what materials are available for check out. Search for books, government documents, DVDs, electronic books, streaming videos, and more.
Below is a small sample of titles found in our General Collection on the topic of Political Science.
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