To find literary criticism about a book, poem, play, etc.:
- Type in Search Box
- Name of book, poem, play, etc. in quotation marks, i.e., "Tom Sawyer"
- Boolean operator "AND"
- "criticism" (does not need to be in quotation marks)
- To narrow results
- By Author-
- Add author's name to search string using Boolean "AND," i.e., AND shakespeare
- Do NOT type author's name in author space in Advanced Search, as this would limit the search to only articles and books written by the author, and would not include literary criticism written by others.
- Content Type
- Subject Terms -
- choose "more options" and check appropriate terms to include and/or exclude
- Terms display in order of the numer of times that term appears in search (highest at top). Can also rearrange alphabetically (see A-Z at top right corner of subject terms box)
- Included terms can be "unchecked" from the search results page
- Excluded terms can be "un-x-marked" from the search results page
- Exclude a specific author from a search by using "NOT" in front of the author's name