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Nursing - Boca Raton Campus
Recommended databases and other information sources for students in the College of Nursing. These pages also have information for nursing students such as APA citation, citation tools, and how to get help.
Google ScholarSearch for scholarly literature, and explore related works, citations, authors, and publications. Patents info and links to legal cases are also available here.
This is a collection of publications by students and faculty of the College of Nursing, which includes pre-prints of journal articles, poster presentations, DNP capstone projects, and theses and dissertations.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Information Sources:
National Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthThe National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) is the Federal Government’s lead agency for scientific research on the diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine. NCCIH was formerly known as the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
These video tutorials show how to create a PICO(T) question, find alternative terms, use Boolean operators (AND/OR/NOT), and run the search in CINAHL and in Ovid databases.