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NSF LEARN - Interdisciplinary

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Also search in the Catalog, Databases or e-Journal list. 

Click on OneSearch (above) to start your search!

Put phrases inside quotation marks to search for words in a specific order, e.g., "civil war" or "multicultural education."

After entering a search, use the facets on the left to narrow the results and refine your search:
  • target only peer-reviewed articles. 
  • show only items with Full Text available online. 
  • include/exclude newspaper articles, books, journal articles, and more.
  • limit your results by date, language, format, collection, geography, subject, etc.

General Databases

Below are some general databases that are great for research into art history. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list, but rather a point to begin your search. General databases pull from a variety of subjects, so they are good for when your research crosses over into other subjects. Such as, architecture, theology, history, and anthropology/archaeology. 

Art History Databases

Below are some suggest databases that are great for research into art history. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list, but rather a point to begin your search. 

Business Databases

Social Science Databases and Indexes

Primary Sources

DEFINITION: Primary Source is a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. These sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event. 
Examples of primary sources are:

  • Diaries, journals, speeches, interviews, letters, memos, manuscripts and other papers in which individuals describe events in which they were participants or observers;
  • Memoirs and autobiographies;
  • Records of organizations and agencies of government;
  • Published materials written at the time of the event;
  • Photographs, audio recordings, moving pictures, video recordings documenting what happened;
  • Artifacts of all kinds; and
  • Research reports in the sciences and social sciences.

Primary Sources: Main Guide (links to all other Primary Sources guides)

Other Databases of Interest

Google Scholar

Need help using Google Scholar? Check here

Some articles listed in Google Scholar are available from FAU in Full Text.

If FAU does not have access to full text of the article, please use Interlibrary Loan to request a copy of the article for your use. 

Need to see if your article is from a peer-reviewed journal? Use to search for the journal title. If you see a referee shirt next to the title, it is a peer-reviewed journal.

Google Scholar Search
Last updated on Jan 28, 2025 12:02 PM - Guide Creator(s)