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Library User Guide: Medical Faculty & Staff

What Library Spaces Are in the COM?

The COM offers an interactive service point in the Hub where the librarians can meet with faculty and staff. Alternate locations can be arranged- please reach out to discuss. 

Where are the Medical Librarians' Offices?

Your librarian on site at the College of Medicine, Michelle Knecht, has an office on the 1st floor of the COM building in BC-122. Michelle's drop-in office hours are Monday-Friday, 9-11am and are subject to change due to personal leave or professional engagement.

  • Click HERE to see a current calendar and schedule an appointment. 

Your local librarian on site at the Wimberly Library, Tiffany Follin, has an office on the 5th Floor of the West wing. Head left from the elevator and look for the sign big enough to land a plane. If you don't see it, it may have been moved; head down to the end of the hallway and take a left. The office is located in LY 516. Tiffany's drop-in office hours are Monday-Friday, 11am-1pm and are subject to change due to personal leave or professional engagement. 

  • Click HERE to schedule an appointment. 


What Services Do You Offer?

The Library ADA Services page highlights the physical accessibility of the Wimberly library space, the assistive technology available, as well as adaptive technology such as JAWS. 

The Wimberly Library offers a service to pull books from the general library collection for pickup at the Service Desk. Please allow 24 hours for turn-around and note that items requested on Friday and during the weekend may be made available the following Monday. See the link below for additional details as well as the form to fill out for placing a request. 

For faculty on a time crunch, please reach out to the medical librarians to see if we can expedite the process. 

Courtesy of Student Government, charging stations are available throughout the library to charge up your device. Check out the following locations and look for the empty blue charging boxes (red boxes are occupied). 

  • 1st floor lobby/Research and Instructional Services (east wing)
  • 1st floor Research and Instructional Services (east wing)
  • 1st floor Alumni Alcove (west wing)
  • 5th floor study area

Faculty & staff have access to  Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services, which allow both print and electronic material to be brought in if they are not in the Libraries' collection. All first time users must create an account by clicking the ILL home page. Scroll down to click "Create an ILL Account" and follow the prompts. Creating an account is FREE and easy but if you run into problems please reach out to the librarians (


Contactless Lockers

24/7 contactless lockers are located outside the front library doors; faculty & staff will need to update their user information within their ILL accounts to indicate "Boca Locker Pickup." Material not picked up within 48 hours of email notification will be brought back inside the library and available for pickup at the Services desk until the date indicated on your email.  


Boca Faculty Office Delivery

Faculty members with an office on the Boca Raton campus may have their Branch Campus Delivery, UBorrow, and Interlibrary Loan requests delivered to their office. Deliveries are made once a day, Monday through Friday, dependent on weather and staffing.

The services in this box are mainly library wide services that the medical librarians believe would interest faculty & staff to learn about. We'd be remiss if we did not highlight within this tab the services the department currently offers or can accommodate on request which is specific to the COM community.

  • One on one consultations
    • Resource review (i.e. what is Embase and how to use the database)
    • Literature Searches (i.e. how to set up your strategy; which resources to consult)
    • Troubleshooting library resources (i.e. Endnote Cite As You Write)
  • Group consultations
    • Same issues, more peers joining. 
  • Curriculum Assistance
    • Finding textbooks
    • Updating new editions 
    • Creating OpenAthens Stable links
  • Small/ large workshops or Lunch & Learns 
    • Workshops can be incorporated into curriculum lessons or offered as stand alone sessions that support a specific goal, such as summer research projects. 
  • Instructional sessions 
    • Michelle Knecht is embedded into the curriculum and engages the students throughout their time at the College of Medicine. 
  • Orientations
    • The medical librarians offer library orientations as part of the standard curriculum or on request. Some examples are below:
      • Students: UME students receive an orientation to the library during their first week of classes. 
      • Residents: residents receive a general onboarding library PowerPoint that is coordinated via the GME office. Pre-pandemic this orientation was presented in person.   
        • Program specific: Program specific orientations allow library resources to be explored in depth, as well as program specific material to be highlighted. These sessions have normally been presented in person. 
      • Fellows: fellows don't receive a standard orientation but have been accommodated on request. As these tend to be one-on-one sessions, they have been tailored to their specific needs (e.g. basic library access, or a general overview that delves into topics that the fellow shows interest in before or during the session.) 
      • New Employee Orientations: (currently on hold) new faculty & staff participated in a once-monthly orientation session hosted by the COM. The library used 5 minutes to give a brief introduction of the department and services. 
  • Publishing Assistance (limited) 
  • Troubleshooting Resources
    • Error messages stemming from resources
    • Forbidden access 
    • Localized user issues with products 

The library offers printing and scanning devices at the Wimberly Library.


  • Users can print from a library computer or their device using their FAUNet ID or guest account (should you not currently be a member of FAU: e.g. a guest lecturer or a student on leave). All first time users will be required to create an account through the FAU Printing website. 
  • The cost of printing is $0.08 (8 cents) per black and white page and $0.30 (30 cents) per color page. 


  • Scanners are a no-cost option available. Save your scans to a USB drive, or send to cloud storage or an email. 
  • Scanners are available throughout the library:
    • 1st floor Research and Instructional Services (east wing)
    • Alumni Alcove (west wing)
    • 5th floor study area

The Wimberly Library offers Self Checkout machines that students can utilize. 

  • 1st Floor lobby near Research and Instructional Services 
  • 3rd Floor, West wing, near the top of the lobby staircase. 

The FAU Libraries offers software that is available on various library PCs. Please see the linked page below to view the available software as well as which computers have been installed with them. 

IBM SPSS Statistics is available on all public library computers. 

Florida Atlantic University software (including SPSS Statistics) can be found via the OIT's Virtual Apps page. 

Last updated on Mar 3, 2025 1:48 PM