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For additional information on finding impact factors at author, journal, or citation levels or other bibliometrics, consult with the following Research Guides:

Journal Impact Factor (Journal Citation Reports, by Clarivate Analytics)

If a journal title is not found in Journal Citation Reports, see if it is included in the Web of Science Master List.  If not, the journal is unlikely to have a Journal Impact Factor since JCR includes only titles from the Master List.  

CiteScore (by Elsevier)

Eigenfactor Score

Eigenfactor Scores through 2015 are freely provided on its web page.  Current Eigenfactor Scores can be found either through Journal Citation Reports or by visiting a journal's web page.  

CWTS Journal Indicators (by Leiden University)


Journal Web Sites

Journal-level metrics can often be found on a journal's website if it was given one.  See its "About" section, or "Journal Home," "Overview," or similar areas of the journal web site.  See the example and links below.

A journal's web site should also provide contact information for their editors and editorial board who may be able to advise. 

Last updated on Mar 7, 2025 3:01 PM