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Professor Allgood's LibGuide for Education in a Multicultural Society (EDF 3610): Research, Requirements and Resources for the Genocide Studies Unit
Films on Demand is a web-based digital delivery service that allows you to view streaming educational videos.
Filmakers Library Online
Filmmakers Library Online provides award-winning documentaries with relevance across the curriculum.
Film & Video
Granito: A Story in Three Parts
by Peter Kinoy DVD video recording Published: 2011 Call No: F1466.5 .G735 2011 (Boca Raton Campus & Jupiter Campus)
Guatemala: Personal Testimonies
by Icarus Films VHS video recording Publisher New York : Skylight Pictures, 1982 Call No: Not Available (Please request through Interlibrary Loan or UBORROW)
Guatemala: Roads of Silence
by Alba Films VHS video recording Publisher: New York, NY : Cinema Guild, 1987 Call No: Not Available (Please request through Interlibrary Loan or UBORROW)
A Right to Justice: A Video on the Guatemalan Genocide