AWS Datasync is an online data movement and discovery service from Amazon. It is used for data migration and for moving data quickly and securely from one storage platform to another.
Echoview is used for hydroacoustic data processing which helps find solutions to problems and issues with sustainable usage of marine and freshwater resources.
EchoviewR is an open source software package that was developed to allow Echoview to interface with the R programming language easily. EchoviewR is hosted on GitHub and was developed by programmers working at the Australian Antarctic Division Data Center.
JMP is a powerful statistical software package that was developed for the data analysis and manipulation needs of scientists and engineers.
GraphPad Prism is a statistics tool built for scientists. The software analyzes data and allows users to create graphs and presentations of their analysis.
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program with advanced data analysis features. The program is one of the most popular for displaying, manipulating and analyzing data.
Origin is a powerful tool used by scientists and engineers for data analysis and graphing. Origin is very flexible and works with MATLAB, Excel, the C languages, Python and R.
SigmaPlot is graphing software for scientists and engineers that offers data analysis and then allows the user to visualize that analysis through the use of technical graphs and charts.
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