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COVID-19 Resources

Guide focusing on resources to gain additional information regarding COVID-19.



Additional tips provided by the BBC: 

  • Question who is the original person claiming or originally sharing the info. 
    • If there is no name, no organization, and no source then proceed with caution since official accounts and authorities can be impersonated. Look for clues like mismatched fonts or capital letters that do not belong. Go to the official source and if you cannot easily find confirmation of the original post, it may have been a fake. 
  • Unsure if it's true? Don't share. 
    • Avoid "just in case" sharing; if you do share with experts, make your doubts known. 
  • Check each fact, individually. 
    • Avoid grouping together all facts presented to you as "true" if you only know for sure one of them is. Make sure all are true before passing along. 
  • Beware emotional posts.
    • Emotional posts get people active, whether out of fear, anger, or love; take a moment to breathe if you need to and then evaluate with an open and curious mind. 

Source: BBC | Coronavirus: Here's how you can stop bad information from going viral

Special Thanks

This page contains information regarding Fake News and Covid-19 and was created in collaboration with Sheri Edwards, former FAU Instruction & Engagement Librarian.

For additional information on the topic of Fake News, the guide "Fake News (and what to do about it!)" is linked below: 

Last updated on Mar 3, 2025 1:48 PM