There are several similar ways to remember the criteria for evaluating websites. Click on the Title of each for more explanation and a PDF handout.
CRAAP (Cal State Universiy-Chico)
- Currency
- Relevance
- Authority
- Accuracy
- Purpose
5 Questions (Univ. of California, Berkeley
Click here for a checklist.
- What can the URL tell you? (domain, publisher)
- Answer these questions- scan perimeter of page (about us, philosophy, background, biography, currency, credentials, etc.)
- Look for indicators of quality information (links, documentation/footnotes, credibility)
- What do others say? (linking pages, listed in a reputable directory, what others say about the author)
- Does it all add up? (why was page put on web, purpose, is this as reliable as resource as you would find in a library?)