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Guide to Science Information Resources

Parts of a Database Record

SciTech Premium Collection (ProQuest) - Full Record of an Item

A database will provide a list of results for a search.  A link for a given article will typically provide the full view of its database record and include the following information:

  • Name of Database:  the brand name of an information source; it often includes the name of the company that owns or offers the service.
  • Citation:  information about a document that usually includes its author, title of work, publisher, and year published.  The information found in a citation is used by others to locate the document. This is frequently referred to as bibliographic information.
  • Abstract:  a summary of the main points of a document which includes its focus, research methods, and conclusions.
  • Full Text:  this link indicates that direct, full access to a document is available.
  • Subject:  the words used by a database to describe the main topics of a document.
  • Controlled Vocabulary:  an established set of terms used to describe the main subjects covered in a document.  They are often used to identify documents on similar topics.
  • Additional Information:  databases often include specialized metadata to provide more information on a given document, such as the type of publication, affiliation of author, database document numbers, and other descriptions.

Brief View of Article in Database

Last updated on Jul 25, 2024 8:32 AM