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Nursing - Using Library Resources for Information and Research

Online guide to research for FAU College of Nursing Students

What's a Call Number? (Nursing)

Did you find a book you wanted in the library catalog?  If so, refer to its call number, found in its catalog record.  Every book is assigned a call number.  Books and library materials are generally organized by call number in the FAU Libraries.

Example of a Call Number

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Find Books in the FAU Library Catalog

How to Find Books

Library Books

Image Credit: by CC0.

Find books, electronic books (eBooks), journals, and other types of information in the FAU Library Catalog.

A search for items in the catalog can be done in following ways:

  • Keywords:  Using words that describe the topic you want to find (example:  caring in nursing).
  • Title:  Provide the name of a book or journal (example:  Foundations of Nursing Theory).
  • Author:  Find a book or information written by a particular person (example:  Anne Boykin).
  • Subject Heading:  Search by a standardized term such as a MeSH or library subject heading that describe a concept (example:  pediatric nursing). 

The catalog will then provide a brief list of results based on the terms and types of search done. 

Each item in the list of results, when selected to show a full result, will provide the following information about an item:

  • Location of item (campus, collection, and availability).
  • Library of Congress (LC) Call Number.
  • Availability for borrowing.
Last updated on Jan 13, 2025 3:41 PM