The FAU Libraries' music holdings contain both print and sound formats available for research, performance, educational use, and personal enrichment. Use the tabs above to explore more detailed information on our wide variety of music resources.
The Music Research Guide provides a useful starting point for research on the subject of music, including electronic databases from Alexander Street Press. It also provides examples of print, electronic journals, and reference books in this field. A comprehensive list of music resources is available by searching the Library Catalog, which will display results for books, music scores, sound recordings, and videos of musical performances. Members of the FAU community may request audiovisual materials from our Media Center.

You may also search the Music Finding Aid Repository or Library Catalog for Music Scores and Sheet Music Collection. These searchable databases include music from a wide range of genres– Jewish, Classical, Folk, and American sheet music. To view original manuscripts, published scores, and sheet music, please call 561-297-3787 or e-mail LYSCA@fau.edu. The music collection is dynamic and continues to increase its rare holdings of materials from the 17th through 21st century.
The Recorded Sound Archives features three major sound collections: Jazz, Judaic, and Vintage. Most of these recordings in the Jazz Collection were donated to FAU’s Music Department by Dr. Henry Ivey in 2006. The Judaic Collection holds recordings that are considered Jewish, such as: cantorial, Yiddish, klezmer, Hebrew, and also recordings of Jewish performers, conductors and/or composers. All of the recordings in the Vintage 78s Collection were produced between 1901 and the mid-1950’s on 78 rpm discs. These recordings are of historic importance and may include recordings also found in the Judaica or Jazz Collections. For more information see the Recorded Sound Archives blog.
Additional Research Guides about music include Black Music Month and Harlem Renaissance.