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HSA 3191 Technology in Health Care Organizations


Subject Terms for Catalog Searches

The following is a partial list of subject headings related to Health Administration that can be used to locate books and other items in the FAU Libraries Catalog.

  • Health facilities
  • Health policy
  • Medical technology
  • Managed care plan
  • Medical care

Search for Books and More

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Or search in the Catalog, Databases or e-Journal list.

Do you like to use Google?  OneSearch is like Google, but better!

  • Searches Library Catalog
  • Searches for Journal Articles
  • Easily Refine your Search

Once you have created a basic search using OneSearch,
refine it by these or other filters:

  • Type of Content
  • Subject Terms
  • Publication Date
  • Location
  • Language

Here's how:

  • Choose "More Options" below each of these areas to be able to "include" or "exclude" items in each area.
  • Put phrases inside quotation marks to search for words in a specific order, i.e., "civil war" or "multicultural education."
Last updated on May 31, 2024 2:31 PM - Guide Creator(s)