Courtesy Florida Atlantic University
So you are trying to find information on doing a personal property inventory, like prior to a hurricane, for this project. What are some questions you need to ask?
Remember the Search Strategy I showed you in the video? I tried multiple searches and am still trying to find the best search words. I tested out my search words by trying actual searches in FAU's OneSearch (libraries' home page), a few databases, a Google search, and a Google Scholar search. Each of these searches helped me find additional search words that I could try. Here's are some of the words I tried.
( "household property inventory" OR "personal property inventory" OR "personal belongings inventory" ) AND management AND application
This sequence of search terms forced the computer to look for similar terms at the same time (using "OR" between them), and using quotation marks around phrases forced the computer to look for those words as phrases. Using "AND" forced the computer to find any of the phrases in the first group of items (separated by "OR") but also find two other terms (each of those terms is preceded by "AND").
Try your own searches! Call or email me if you want to get together to talk about your search strategy and search words. I'm here to help!
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