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CEN 4010: Principles of Software Engineering


Assignment: Web App for Personal Household Inventory

So you are trying to find information on doing a personal property inventory, like prior to a hurricane, for this project. What are some questions you need to ask?

  • Broadly, what will your application do? Think of questions about what you need or want your app to do before you start your search.
    • How would you describe the function your app will perform? What words would you use to search for something like this? How will your app perform that function?
  • What kind of information would need to be included in the inventory?
    • What tools would the person performing the inventory need (and would you supply them in your application)?
    • Will you supply a list of typical terms to check off (e.g., 2 beds, diamond necklace), and/or leave blanks for itemization of specific property with greater detail?
  • Where should you search for applications for inventories that others have created to see what you might use (but not duplicate)?
    • Remember the databases I shared? Let's start with some of them

Remember the Search Strategy I showed you in the video? I tried multiple searches and am still trying to find the best search words. I tested out my search words by trying actual searches in FAU's OneSearch (libraries' home page), a few databases, a Google search, and a Google Scholar search. Each of these searches helped me find additional search words that I could try. Here's are some of the words I tried.

( "household property inventory" OR "personal property inventory" OR "personal belongings inventory" ) AND management AND application

This sequence of search terms forced the computer to look for similar terms at the same time (using "OR" between them), and using quotation marks around phrases forced the computer to look for those words as phrases. Using "AND" forced the computer to find any of the phrases in the first group of items (separated by "OR") but also find two other terms (each of those terms is preceded by "AND").

Try your own searches! Call or email me if you want to get together to talk about your search strategy and search words. I'm here to help!

Getting Started @ FAU Libraries

The goal of this resource guide page is to provide students with prompt access to FAU library resources. The following will help you get started:

  1. Authenticate yourself to use the libraries' electronic resources as a currently enrolled FAU student, faculty, or staff member. You will be prompted to log-into OpenAthens or EZproxy.
  2. Search the library catalog for books or journal titles: Links to online books and journals are also contained within the catalog.
  3. Search subject databases to find articles in journals: If you are trying to decide which database is appropriate for your research, look at the list of databases listed on the Journal Articles Tab.
  4. Check your account status or renew material. You can renew your books and check your library account online.
  5. Create an Interlibrary Loan account. This will allow you to place requests for books and journal articles not owned by FAU Libraries. The ILL office will contact other borrowing libraries around the world to request your book or article. Journal articles are normally sent electronically and books can be picked up at your preferred Library.
  6. Do you need additional help? The Research and Instructional Services Department provides help with using the library by chat, email, and phone! Ask a Librarian!
Last updated on Mar 4, 2025 9:58 AM - Guide Creator(s)