Pre-Assessment / Assess Prior Knowledge / Prior to Class
- Assignments - post information about an assignment
- Flipped Model - students watch video, post answer(s) to question(s) or other feedback
- Question Board - students can post questions 24/7 & anonymously, and instructor can answer questions and perhaps highlight some of the answers during class
- Success Criteria - students post criteria for success re a project, or say web source evaluation
- Workshop Participants - ask about expectations prior to starting
Formative Assessment / In-Class Activities
- Art - take photos on a walking tour of specific types of objects, with description and why photos were taken
- Backchannel - comments & questions posted during class
- Book Reviews - students can share quotes, ask questions, discuss characters or chapters, and more (can be used before class as well, for a flipped model)
- Collect Ideas for Exploration - post topic and have students post questions, things they want or need to know
- Content Curation - students add notes to resources for an upcoming group project, including URLs to videos, pix and websites
- Group Work - each group could have a padlet, post their contributions to the group's wall
- Images - have students find and post images to a padlet wall (crowdsource)
- K-W-L Chart - for a topic or unit, set up Know, Want to know, and Learned headers and have students post throughout lesson or unit
- Music - Listen to music in class. Students post imagery that came to mind while listening to music or critique music.
- "On this wall, please share everything you learned about [insert specific topic or lesson]. Also, please include 2 questions you would like answered on [insert topic/lesson]."
- Opinion/Forum - instructor posts a particular topic or issue, and students can post their opinions on the topic - can be used to warm students up to writing opinion pieces or persuasive essays
- Peer Evaluations or Feedback
- Peer Teaching - had students post tutorials in response to a particular question or prompt (i.e., math, history)
- Resource Suggestions - students suggest or post resources they find on a topic
Summative Assessment / End of or After Class Activities
- Exit Tickets
- One Minute Paper
- Showcase student work - instructor or students can post
- Theme Evaluation / Class Feedback
- Topic Summary by Instructor - include words, URLs, pix, and more. Ask for student feedback too.
- Video feedback - add note with URL to a video and specific prompt or question for students to answer after viewing video
For Review
- End of the Semester Review
- Plenary Wall - what have I learned / do I need to learn / need to practice?
- Topic or Unit Summary - instructor can summarize a large amount of information and present it in a visually pleasing way - put in text, photos, graphs, etc. - and share with students before a big test or for discussion, or students can summarize what they've learned
- Collect answers/feedback from students in multiple classes
- Concept maps (Mind Mapping) - arrange in a tree, circle or other format
- Continuum Feedback - where are people along a spectrum
- Department/Workplace feedback
- Flow Map - use stream or grid views and show sequence or order of steps
- For Storyboarding
- Gather Feedback from outside a class, for students
- Student introductions, ice-breakers, where were you born, or international introductions, practice greetings in a language
- Student Portfolios of Work
- Suggestion Box
- "Thank You" Wall - students can post messages, images, etc. for a group "thank you" to a guest speaker