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We are working to upgrade the research experience by making ongoing improvements to our Research Guides.
You may encounter changes in the look and feel of the Research Guides website along with structural changes to our existing guides. If you have any questions or concerns about this process please let us know.

Google Scholar

An introduction to Google Scholar.

My Library basics

          My Google Scholar library

  • Click "Save" below an article to save it to your library. You can read it or cite it later. 

  • Click "My Library" to see all of the articles you have saved to "My Library." You can search their full text.

  • Any articles you have in your "Scholar" profile (articles you have written that you have included in the profile) will automatically be included in your library.

  • See FAQs on Google Scholar Library.

Email Alerts

Email Alerts

Find answers to these questions at the link above.

How do I sign up for email alerts?

Do I need a Google account to receive email alerts?

How do I get notified when my papers are cited?

How do I get notified when a particular paper is cited?

How do I get notified of new papers published by my competitors, err, respected colleagues?

How often do you send the alerts?

How do I unsubscribe?

How do I change my alerts?

Last updated on Jun 3, 2024 7:11 PM