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We are working to upgrade the research experience by making ongoing improvements to our Research Guides.
You may encounter changes in the look and feel of the Research Guides website along with structural changes to our existing guides. If you have any questions or concerns about this process please let us know.


Where to Start

Looking for a starting point for your research and not sure where to begin? It is highly recommended that you begin the research process with a search strategy. The boxes below will walk you through how to develop and use a search strategy and how to begin with OneSearch.

OneSearch is a great jumping off point for those who are just beginning their search and/or are looking for a broad or multi-disciplinary perspective. Otherwise, it is recommended that you use one of the topic specific databases listed in the databases tab. 

Search Strategy Overview

Do you dread having to work on a research project?  It really isn't that bad if you have a planned search strategy before you begin.  See the tutorial below to help get you started!

Upload the handout to get yours started!

Using OneSearch Demonstration

Below is a video tutorial that will walk you through applying your search strategy to the library's general search platform, OneSearch. OneSearch is a good jumping off point for your research and it very good for a multi-disciplinary search. It will search across the entire library catalog and most of the library's databases for results related to your search. 

Last updated on Mar 7, 2025 3:01 PM