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Databases are great for finding information or resources that may be useful to your subject. In the databases, you will find peer-reviewed or scholarly articles for your research. You may also use a database to find full text articles, images, videos, and more.

To search through the databases, start with the FAU Libraries homepage and click on the Databases tab. You can then find a given database alphabetically or you can narrow your search for a database by clicking on the subjects dropdown menu. 

Please note that databases are just containers that hold a small selection of journals, videos, and images. So you may need to search across a few databases to find all the information or resources on a given topic. 

Searching for a Database

What are the differences between Journal, Journal Articles, and a Database?

An Electronic Journal (or E-journal) is a traditional journal that is in an electronic format; either because it was originally created that way, or because someone took a print journal article and scanned it to make it available electronically.

Database is what is created when a large number of electronic journals are put in one place and a search interface (usually a search box) is added to help find what you need. Both databases and electronic journals can be subject specific. When you have a database that only has the title or abstract, but not the full text, it is usually referred to as an Index.

Databases Specific to Art

Below is a list of databases specific to art that you may find helpful in your search. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list but rather a starting point for your research. 

General Databases

Below is a list of general databases (this means that they contain many resources related to many subjects-not just art) that you may find helpful in your search. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list but rather a starting point for your research. 

Other Databases outside of FAU

The Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and Répertoire international de la littérature de l'art (RILA) are available free of charge on the Getty Web site, covering European and American visual arts material published between 1975 and 2007.

Use the Getty Union List of Artist Names to

  • identify individual artists and corporate bodies,
  • search for artists by their "roles" (i.e., printmaker, sculptor, engraver, etc.), 
  • search for artists by nationality, 
  • see representative works by an artist (be aware of copyright restrictions for re-use).

See the FAQs at this site for assistance on how to use and read this list.

View and learn more about other Getty Vocabularies and the Getty Research Institute.

Last updated on Mar 7, 2025 3:01 PM