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Art History

Databases are great sources for finding information for your research paper. In the databases, you will find peer-reviewed or scholarly articles for your research. Journal Articles and Newspapers can be useful because you may find information on a topic that is so specific that no book has been written about it (and they may be more timely, since it takes some time to publish a book.) It is also a good idea to search across multiple databases, after all no database has every journal article ever written. As you will find out below, there are some databases that specialize in a specific subject and others that are for more general searches. 

Art History Databases

Below are some suggest databases that are great for research into art history. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list, but rather a point to begin your search. 

General Databases

Below are some general databases that are great for research into art history. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list, but rather a point to begin your search. General databases pull from a variety of subjects, so they are good for when your research crosses over into other subjects. Such as, architecture, theology, history, and anthropology/archaeology. 

Database Searching Video Tutuorial

Last updated on Jan 6, 2025 1:09 PM