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Understanding Journal Availability in Databases

When you're searching for academic articles in online databases, it's important to pay attention to the dates that journals are available. This is especially true if you're looking for recent articles.

What is a Moving Wall or Embargo?

  • A "moving wall" or "embargo" is a delay between when an article is published and when it becomes available in a database.
  • This delay can range from 0 to 10 years, depending on the journal and database.
  • It's called a "moving wall" because the available dates shift as time passes.

Why This Matters

  • Different databases might have different date ranges for the same journal.
  • This means you might need to check multiple databases to find a specific article, especially if it's recent.

Example: American Anthropologist Journal

To understand this better, let's look at how one journal is available in two different databases:

  1. In Wiley Online:
    • Available from 1998 volume:100 issue: 1

* when there is no end date under a journal’s database it means that the journal is from the date listed to present.

  1. In ProQuest One Literature:
    • Available from March 1, 1988 Volume: 30 Issue: 1 until 12/ 31/ 2009 Volume: 111 Issue: 4

This example shows how the same journal can have different availability depending on the database you're using.

Journal Title Searching

Archaeology Journals

Below is a small list of the journals related to archaeology that the University Libraries has subscriptions to. For a complete list please click here

Types of Journal Articles

Non-peer-reviewed journals. Beware!

Archaeology. Archaeology is a glossy, popular magazine that has been published by the Archaeological Institute of America since 1948. Although it is published by a venerable professional society, it is NOT peer-reviewed; the articles are mostly written by journalists rather than by the investigators themselves.

Locating Full-Text Articles

Select Find it @ FAU if the article you are looking for does not appear as full text in the database.

Last updated on Nov 14, 2024 9:53 AM