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Women's History

For courses EDF 2085, EDF 3203, EDF 3610, EDF 6887

Florida Statute for Required Instruction for Public K-12 Education

The State of Florida Statute 1003.42 refers to Required Instruction for Public K-12 Education. As such, it is referred to by current and future educators to confirm what has been mandated to be taught at various grade levels in many different subject areas and topics.

Requirements for instruction of certain historical events and persons are included in this, such as

  • History of the Holocaust (1933-1945)
  • History of African Americans
  • History of the state
  • Conservation of natural resources
  • Study of Hispanic contributions to the United States
  • Study of women's contributions to the United States

Women's Studies at FAU

Digital Collections at FAU Libraries - and other state universities

Digital Collections of FAU Libraries features a good primary source collection of audio files of people's memories, with some great recordings by women.

Florida Atlantic University’s Oral History Archives preserve the spoken memories of people from all walks of life. Conducted by graduate students in the Department of History’s Oral History Seminar, subject areas include World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam, the "pioneer" experience in Florida, race relations, gender issues, and environmental history. Transcriptions, photos, and news clippings accompany the recorded interviews.

The PALMM collection, contributed to by multiple Florida universities, also has some collections about women.

PRISM (Political & Rights Issues & Social Movements) is composed of materials focusing on a wide range of political and rights issues and social movements including topics such as women's rights.

Florida Voices is an oral history collection which includes women in Florida on a variety of topics (good primary sources). View the online search aids to explore the various collections.

Last updated on Feb 16, 2025 12:23 AM