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Student Athletes

Welcome Student-Athletes!

                        FAU Athletes

How to Use this Guide

This guide is designed to provide quick access to library resources and services for busy student athletes. Click on the tabs to the left or on the links below to connect with:

FAU Library Services: Quickly find information about library services, like assistance, borrowing, collections, research, spaces, and technology.

First-Generation Students: Are you the first in your family to attend college? Being first offers some unique challenges. FAU Libraries is here to help you succeed.

Lib2Go: Traveling away from FAU for games, meets, or other competitions? Many of the library's resources are available online, 24/7

Library DIY: Have you been assigned a research paper and are not sure where to start? This guide has tools, resources, and ideas for you.

Study Skills: The demands of being a student athlete increase the need for efficient study skills, time management, and personal organization.

Stress Management: Need ideas on how to manage some stress? We've got resources for you.

Last updated on Jun 28, 2024 2:16 PM