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Palm Beach State College Information

PBSC Library Card

What do you need to do to receive a PBSC library card?

  • Visit the Bookstore at room BK-107 on Palm Beach State College-Boca Raton Campus. Phone: 561-862-4361.
  • Your PantherCard IS your Palm Beach State College Library Card.
  • You must be currently enrolled and present a valid schedule.

What can you do with a PBSC library card?

  • Check out books at any Palm Beach State College campus.
  • Access Palm Beach State College electronic databases from your home or other remote location. 

How do I access PBSC databases?

How do I access PBSC library databases? NEW! Tutorial

Not sure where to start? Visit the PBSC LibGuide for Distance Learners

Top PBSC Databases:

  • Academic OneFile
  • Academic Search Complete
  • Career Transitions
  • Expanded Academic ASAP
  • Lit Finder
  • Literary Reference Center Plus
  • Literature Resources from Gale 
  • Opposing Viewpoints
  • PsycArticles
  • Research Companion

For additional assistance, contact: 


Last updated on May 13, 2024 3:02 PM