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Primary Sources: Faces of Nazi Germany during World War II

Photos of Ernst Rohm

Throughout the period of Hitler's rise to power, Ernst Röhm represented the militant wing of the Nazi Party as the chief organizer of the party militia known as the S.A. (Sturmabteilung) or the Brownshirts.  Wounded three times in World War I, he later was one of the original founders of the Nazi Party. In the 1920s, he helped Hitler secure the support of the army in Bavaria and was later imprisoned for his role in Hitler's failed 1923 Beer Hall putsch.  Throughout his years of service to the Nazi cause, Röhm remains dog-loyal to his master. Röhm's Nazi zeal lead him to advocate that the Nazi seizure of power should culminate in the SA absorbing if not replacing the Reichswehr as the new German army, Nazified from the ground up. Jewish Virtual Library

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