An example of the beginning of a scholarly article. Lee, N.K., & Rawson, R.A. (2009). A systematic review of cognitive and behavioural therapies for methamphetamine dependence. Drug and Alcohol Review, 27 (3): 309-317. https://doi.org/10.1080/09595230801919494. Image permission by CC-BY 2.0.
A scholarly article, also known as a research or original article, is one of the main ways new knowledge and discoveries are communicated to a scientific or academic community. It is a full-length document on original research. A scholarly article generally consists of the background of a research topic, its study design and methodology, the results of the study, and then its conclusion. The scholarly articles or publications used to inform the research are listed at the end of the article as its references or works cited.
Another main objective of a scholarly article is to give readers enough information about a study to reproduce it. Redoing a study may confirm its initial findings or reveal its possible shortcomings. When a study is repeated with consistent results, it possesses validity or is highly likely to have a truthful result. The new findings then can be added to its subject's body of knowledge. When a repeated study has different results than its initial study, it may signify that a gap still remains in that area of knowledge or that subsequent studies may be needed.