The Library Catalog allows you to search for books, government documents, DVDs, streaming video, electronic books, and other materials in the Library's collection. The catalog will tell you if the library owns a particular periodical (journal or magazine) but does not include the articles found in periodicals. To find these you must use a different database (click on the "Finding Articles" or OneSearch link to the left).
The Advanced search screen allows you to combine terms using “and, or, not” as well as limiting a search by material type, language, and/or date.
Additional print and electronic books may be found by searching in the library's catalog (see above)
Exercise--Physiological Aspects
Call Number: QP 301
Health Promotion
Call Number: RA 427.8
Human Mechanics
Call Number: QP 303
Find theses and dissertations from FAU and other colleges and universities!
The WorldCat database allows you to search a combined catalog of most of the libraries in North America, and many in other parts of the world. Items not owned by FAU may be ordered through the Interlibrary Loan service.
Florida Atlantic University Libraries
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 297-6911