Welcome to the FAU Libraries subject guide for Educational Leadership, focusing on K-12 schools. This Research Guide includes information resources including databases, journals, books and more. Please contact a Reference Librarian for additional assistance.
Use the tabs at the top to find resources and information to help you research this topic. The following can be found on this page:
Find Articles: this page provides links to databases, or large, online collections of journal articles. Some databases also provide statistics and figures.
Browse Journals: read scholarly literature published by professionals in the field.
Find Books: access the FAU Libraries catalog to locate books and other library materials owned by the libraries.
Web Sites: not all information on the internet is junk! This page links to reputable organizations and agencies that focus on K-12 schools.
For assistance in using the library or conducting research, contact me or another librarian!
Ken Frankel, M.Ed, MLIS
Librarian Liaison for the FAU Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology