FAU Libraries Scholarly Communication Services (SCS) provides support to all FAU campuses by addressing the wide range of issues related to creating, evaluating, disseminating, and preserving the outputs of research and scholarship.
- Copyright : Fair use, Copyright for Teaching & Instruction, Public Domain, Creative Commons, and more.
- Open Access : Open Access models, paying APCs, find an OA publisher.
- Journal and Research Impact : Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and other bibliometrics, find a JIF.
- Scholarly Publishing : Choose a publisher, deceptive or predatory publishers
- Researcher Profile and Identifier Management : Scopus Profile, Publons, Mendeley, ORCID and other persistent identifiers
- Data Management and Plans : Ways to manage and share research data.
- In coordination with library liaisons, SCS also promotes the use of Open Education Resources (OER).
Scholarly Communication Services Blog
Read up on the basics and latest in copyright, bibliometrics, scholarly publishing and more!