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Business Subject Guide - Boca Raton Campus

Economic Statistics

Stat-USA Sources Use to find specific data sets on U.S. economy and International Trade

Guide to State Statistical Abstracts  State statistics compiled for each of the 50 states

Florida Economy at a Glance  Monthly and annual statewide stats as well  as data for most urban areas

International Economic Statistics

OECD iLibrary (Off-campus access through EZ Proxy)

Select "Statistics" tab to find Economic Datasets, Country Tables, and fulltext Factbooks. Focus is on developed countries and the major topics are covered in Key Tables.

Locating and Using Census Data

National & Local Demographic Data Original

Statistical Abstract of the United States (Off-campus access through EZ Proxy)

Useful database for finding demographic, social , and economic statisics for the United States

Florida Data At Your Fingertips

State, county, and city statistics on many topics from the Bureau of Economic and Business Research

FAU Government Documents Department

Census & Statistics page with additional links to Federal, State, Local, and International data resources

U.S. Foreign Trade Data

TradeStats Express

Product profiles along with national and state level trade data with charts and graphs.

USA Trade Online  (Available only on Boca Campus Library, Government Documents Office, LY 109)

Definitive source for U.S. Foreign Trade statistics, using harmonized codes it reports on over 9,000 export commodities and 17,000 import commodities. Also contains data for individual ports within the United States.

World Demographic Statistics

United Nations Data
Provides access to 34 databases on many topics including trade, tourism, population, economics, and health

World Data Atlas
Wide variety of statistics on topics including population, economics, education, environment, human rights, and much more

Last updated on Mar 4, 2025 12:10 PM