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We are working to upgrade the research experience by making ongoing improvements to our Research Guides.
You may encounter changes in the look and feel of the Research Guides website along with structural changes to our existing guides. If you have any questions or concerns about this process please let us know.


Off Campus Connect

Access to our licensed Electronic Resources off-campus

Many of the electronic resources offered by the FAU Libraries are restricted to currently registered students, staff, and faculty of the University. When connecting to these services from off-campus you are required to let the system know you are currently affiliated with FAU. Please click on the OpenAthens link below to log into OpenAthens in order to access our licensed resources.


ORCID: Scholarship Identifier

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) was developed to be a free, unique identifier for scholarly publishing. It eliminates the ambiguity that can happen with author names or groups, and it allows researchers to easily find their published works in the various databases and publishing collections on the Internet. Most of the leading universities and research institutions support and encourage the use of ORCID for their scholarly publications.

orcid logo


Registering for an ORCID is free and just requires your first and last name and your primary e-mail. After that you will choose your notification and visibility settings and you're all set!

Selected Databases

All of the databases in this discipline can be found in our Engineering and Applied Sciences databases section.