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We are working to upgrade the research experience by making ongoing improvements to our Research Guides.
You may encounter changes in the look and feel of the Research Guides website along with structural changes to our existing guides. If you have any questions or concerns about this process please let us know.

Core Books: Third and Fourth Year Curriculum Book List

Synthesis & Transition

Synthesis & Transition (BMS 6405)

Course Directors: Dr. Jennifer Foster

No books assigned; case-based research. 

Clinical Tools

  Mango Connect

iOS | Android

Mango Connect is an online self-paced language learning system covering over 40 languages. Medical Spanish lessons are available in both the website and app version. 

After downloading the app and creating an account, click on Find Free Mango and search for Florida Atlantic University. Then sign in with your FAU ID and Password to link your profile to the FAU Libraries to access Mango content for free.

Library Resources:

Free Websites:

Publishing Case Reports

Case Report Publishing Checklist

 Step 1: Review the CARE Guidelines for publishing case reports.
 Step 2: Contact your clinical supervisor to discuss your case report.
 Step 3: Receive approvals by all necessary committees/responsible parties. (Faculty mentors, attending physicians and others responsible for the patient’s care should be consulted, provide approval, and be listed as an author).
 Step 4: Schedule a research appointment with a medical librarian to discuss strategies for your literature search & possible publication venues.
 Step 5: Read the author guidelines for your preferred publication venue.

Request  a research appointment with a medical librarian to discuss strategies for your literature search & possible publication venues:

Michelle Keba, MSIS, MSL 
Senior Medical Librarian
View Michelle Keba's availability
Tiffany Follin, MLIS, AHIP
Medical Liaison and Outreach Librarian
View Tiffany Follin's availability

Use the following library resources to search for relevant articles:

Check out the library's YouTube channel to watch example videos of how to search the medical databases:

Check out example case reports in the library's subscription to BMJ  Case Reports.

Contact the medical librarians for the code to waive the fee to publish in BMJ Case Reports as an FAU student & review the instructions on the For Authors page of BMJ Case Reports:

Looking to publish your case report in a subject specific journal? Check out the list of journals that accept case reports below:

Last updated on Mar 13, 2025 8:35 PM - Guide Creator(s)