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MAN 3025: Introduction to Management & Organizational Behavior

Locating an Article

Best Practices for Locating an Article

  1. Identify the title of the journal (Example:  Harvard Business Review) and date from the reference to the article that you need.
  2. Go to the FAU Libraries home page by typing in
  3. Under “Quick Links” click on “Electronic Journals,” which is an alphabetical list of journals that we have online, and type in the name of the journal (Example:  Harvard Business Review).
  4. Locate a database (Example: Business Source Premier) where your journal and year can be found and click on the database name.
  5. In the database, click on the year of the journal that you need, and locate by date and page numbers (or title) of your article.

    Hagiu, Andrei, and Yoffie, David B. (2009). What's Your Google Strategy? Harvard Business Review, 87(4), 74-81. Retrieved from,cookie,url,uid&db=buh&AN=37021741&site=eds-live

    Thorn, Bret (2013). The Business of Sustainability. Nation's Restaurant News, 47(15), 26-26. Retrieved from,cookie,url,uid&db=edsggo&AN=edsgcl.339252975&site=eds-live
  6. If you have the citation for the article, then you can also use the "Citation Linker" on the Electronic Journals page to find the article.
  7. You can also use OneSearch to find the full text of an article, by typing in the author's name and the keywords in the title.
    (Example:  "Tarun Khanna" and "Emerging Giants").
Last updated on Mar 7, 2025 3:01 PM - Guide Creator(s)