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Distance Learning


Welcome to the Distance Learning LibGuide.  

Florida Atlantic University offers an expanding collection of undergraduate and graduate courses to distance learners.  The Florida Atlantic University Libraries strive to provide a level of support for distance learning students and faculty that is equivalent to that provided on FAU campuses. Resources and services include:

Eligibility:      Any currently enrolled student taking courses or faculty teaching courses via interactive television, videotape, email, or the Internet who do not have access to an FAU campus are eligible for distance learning services. Home delivery of library materials is available to those students who are only enrolled in Distance Learning classes.

View the full FAU Libraries Distance Learner Services and Policies.

Watch our video tutorials and recorded workshops for learn about topics like using library resources, creating search strategies, and borrowing items through Interlibrary Loan and UBorrow

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Last updated on Feb 12, 2025 12:46 PM